Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Puzzle - An Inside Glimpse of Lymphedema - New Book

Here's our new book on lymphedema. I also have a chapter with several articles.....

(including my own story). Pat


The book is compiled so that people who have been touched by lymphedema can
share their stories; their trials and tribulations, their sadness and
disappointments, their strength and hopes. It is intended to encourage, educate
and inspire patients and loved ones, who can often feel isolated and uninformed.
We hope to increase awareness and general knowledge of a condition that is often
overlooked and misdiagnosed, yet which can have monumental physical and
emotional impact on the lives that it affects.

Not every story has a happy ending, yet there is hope. By sharing these stories
with one another, we can learn from the struggles and successes that others have
experienced, and can help each other to live well with lymphedema.

How do I get this book ???

This book will be available at:

14th State of Georgia Lymphedema Education & Awareness Program14th Program


Beverly Thompson 770-476-2671
1501 Lake Hearn Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319
Saturday, October 15, 2011
7:30 am - 5:00 pm

The book will be available at any sponsored Lighthouse Lymphedema Network
program or conference for a donation of $15.00

Please mail your completed order form and donation to:

Lighthouse Lymphedema Network Book
10240 Crescent Ridge Drive
Roswell, GA 30076

Please send a donation of :
$19.95 per copy
Plus $5.00 per copy for Shipping Costs

Order Form

Name: Last First___________________________________________________

Mailing Address____________________________________________________

City State ZIP Code_________________________________________________

Home Telephone Number Cell Telephone Number________________________

Email Address_____________________________________________________

Number of Copies you would like to order______________________________


Amount Enclosed__________________________________________________